About Marinelli Auto Service

Your quality auto repair shop in Winter Park, Florida!

Who We Are

We do things a little differently here.

Our vision is to build trusting relationships through honest communication, quality-focused automotive repair, fairness in practice and kindness in action.

What does that mean?

Trusting Relationships

We want to know you and for you to know us and have faith in us.

Honest Communication

We strive to be as transparent as possible by setting clear expectations and keeping an open door. 

Quality Service

We are committed to lasting repairs and attentive service, as Henry Royce said, “Quality is remembered long after price is forgotten.”

Fair Practice

Everyone matters – our customers, our vendors, and our team members – so, we want to do right by everybody. 

Kind Action

Going the extra mile to care, not just for your vehicle, but for you and your family. 

What We Do

As a quality auto repair shop, we serve a variety of makes and models through:

Vehicle Maintenance

From oil changes to long-term maintenance, our goal is to prevent problems and keep your spending low. Learn more…

Automotive Diagnostic Testing & Evaluation

When you have a problem or concern with your vehicle, you should be able to rely on us for an accurate answer the first time. Rather than hearing “this will probably fix it” or “that’s what usually goes wrong,” you should hear “Here’s what we found that’s wrong, and here’s what will fix it.” Learn more…

Auto Repair

When you come to us with a problem, our goal is to fix it the right way the first time. It is our goal to deliver a long-lasting result. We do not want to see anyone coming back again for a problem we already fixed. Learn more…

Vehicle Budget Planning

Surprise repair costs are stressful. We want to help you plan financially for maintenance and repairs and avoid surprises. Learn more…

How would you like to be served?

What would it take for you to feel great about the vehicle you drive? What would it mean for you to have minimal stress when it comes to taking care of your vehicle? That’s what “home” is for us and we’d like to help you get there in the best way that suits you.

Which path home are you comfortable with?
5. I want what I want and nothing else.
4. I want what I want but tell me if you see anything wrong.
3. I want to be proactive, so fix what’s broken and help me make a service plan.
2. I want as few surprises as possible, so fix what’s broken, help me make a service plan, and do proactive testing.
1. I want all-around care. Fix what’s broken, help me make a service plan, do proactive testing, and help me determine my maintenance and repair budget.