Driving 300,000 Miles Takes More Than An Oil Change: Part 1

When I bought my first car I was ignorant to believe that once the sale was final, all I needed to worry about was gas, oil changes, and insurance! I now know that the sale price of the vehicle is not the only investment. By also investing in truly maintaining my car, I can keep it running smoothly through 300,000 miles or more.

My Life as a Mechanic’s Wife

While I’ve never been opposed to working in a male dominant industry, it just never occurred to me (because of my interests and abilities) that I ever would. However, now that I am working alongside Andrew at the shop full-time, I’ve become increasingly aware that I’m a minority in this industry.

How To Reduce Stress With Your Next Vehicle Repair

Before I married a mechanic, I definitely didn’t know how to make the most of my appointment with an auto mechanic shop, making it a stressful experience. Now that my husband and I own a shop, I’d like to share with you some things I’ve learned that will save you some of the frustration I used to experience.

Does Your Car Pass the Mom Test?

We know that we, alone, cannot change the reputation of the whole auto repair industry…but we hope to at least change it for those who come through our shop – one car, one customer at a time. We want to be sure everything we do for you is good enough for Andrew’s mom (and Andrew loves his mom!).

Understanding Your Auto Repair Bill: The Deal on Parts

Your mechanic hands you an estimate and explains what needs to be done – it’s an important repair that can’t wait. Six hours of labor and over $400 in parts. You want your family to be safe when they are in the vehicle, so you sign off on the work. Why am I paying so much on parts?

Understanding Your Auto Repair Bill: Why Your Mechanic Probably Isn’t Rich

Meet Joseph, a veteran auto technician (aka auto mechanic), highly experienced after 20 years in the industry. Surely, Joseph is rolling in the dough. Right? While a mechanic like Joseph may have both depth and breadth of knowledge as well as formidable mechanical skills, he may also be tied to a pay system which constantly contradicts his mastery.